Friday, August 7, 2009

Listicles!! 25 questions that were posed to me.

1. I can often see a photo opportunity in damn near everything.

2. One of the best influences to ever enter my life was, and is, Buddhism.

3. Apparently I have a deviated septum, according to a physician I saw. He failed to convince me to have that god-awful nasal surgery, tho. Frig it, I'll snore, thanks.

4. I am missing an appendix and 2 wisdom teeth. They were removed for good reasons!

5. I find it hard to fake happiness. I also find it hard to contain joy.

6. I have known, since I was 9 years old, that I never wanted to have kids.

7. I am a smell person. One of my all-time favorite smells is the smell of spring grass being warmed by the sun...

8. Dogs and I seem to understand each other. They seek me out! I am a dog person, though I love my bunnies!

9. I find less and less things to get annoyed about the more I grow.

10. I love Pixar movies.

11. Farts are funny. I don't care what anyone says.

12. At one time, I was working 3 jobs at once. I really didn't get any further ahead, so I don't recommend it to anyone.

13. I tend to play close to the vest, and almost always give ppl less information than they'd like.

14. Band geek?? That's me! I played alto sax and clarinet for many years!

15. I want to volunteer at the bead store down the block from me!!!!

16. Usually, when I see someone walking a dog, I talk to the dog before I talk to the person!!

17. I never really notice that I'm short until I stand next to someone and look up at them when I'm talking.

18. I have laughed hard enough to pee my pants before.

19. I have no tattoos, although I've always wanted one.

20. In the last couple of years, I started fishing again, and remembered how much I liked it!

21. I wish I had a washer and dryer in my apartment.

22. When I buy sneakers, I can still fit into boys' sneakers. HEE HEE!!!

23. I find it amusing when people trip.

24. When engrossed in a book, I can read it in a weekend or less.

25. My feet have been the same size since I was 16.

This was a bit of a challenge, but I did it!! YAAAAAY!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Practical Applications for Bubbles (inspiration provided by Steve G.!!)

Practical Applications for blowing soap bubbles (not an exhaustive list):

--During pap smear

--At an arraignment

--Work meeting

--When getting pulled over for speeding

--Job interview

--At a hockey game

--On a first date

--Psychiatrist visit


--In line at the DMV

--In the changing room at your favorite clothing store

--When the sex is boring

--At the Dunkin' Donuts drive-up window

Friday, February 27, 2009

Marriage is for everyone. Even you!!!

Here in our state, a bill is being considered to let same-sex marriage be legal.

I agree with it, and not just because I think every couple on Earth should be allowed to experience divorce!! *snarky snarky snark snark snark*

I think that if two people meet, fall in love, and want to get married, it doesn't matter whether they're two men, two women, or one of each. Love is love is love.

It shouldn't be up to a bunch of lawmakers to say whether a couple's love is wrong, based on their sexual preferences. I'm sure if we took a look into the lives of the ppl who oppose same-sex marriage, we'd find some appallingly questionable behavior and motives.

I hope this new bill passes, with flying colors!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Missing a keychain?

Missing a keychain?

Maybe I just haven't paid much attention to teenagers or early college kids these days, seeing as how (thankfully!) I don't HAVE any at home.

More and more often I'm seeing kids working as cashiers, store clerks, or waiters/waitresses, and they all seem to have some really ugly-ass facial jewelry. When I worked at Hannaford while in college (when it was still called Shop and Save), facial jewelry WAS NOT ALLOWED, AT ALL.

Times have, of course, changed radically!!!

Now I'm not AGAINST piercings, by any means. I think a small, delicate, diamond nose-stud looks pretty on the right woman. Some men can indeed pull off wearing earrings, and they look downright sexy. I'll even say that I've seen well-placed eyebrow rings on some pretty tasty men.

But you will NEVER convince me that there is anything attractive about having a stainless steel ball-ring the size of a basketball hoop sticking out of your lip, or your septum. When you have all that hardware sticking out of every facial protrusion, you don't look edgy/radical/rebellious/hot/sexy. You just look like you were attacked by the spare parts drawers at Liberty Tool.

So! This is for the young lady who rang in my groceries today:

Honey, for goodness sakes. Please do yourself a favor and TAKE THAT HONKIN'-ASS DOORKNOCKER OUT OF YOUR LIP. It's ugly and makes you look like enslaved livestock. And in case you were wondering: Boys are not checking YOU out. They're looking at your lip-ring and watching it move while you talk!!!

ARTICLE: Let It Go by T.D. Jakes

This is a great piece of advice, and when I read it, it really spoke to me, and made me feel like I'm living right...since I can't lay claim to it myself, I'll just share it with everyone else.

Let it inspire you, too!


by T.D.Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you.
And hear me when I tell you this!
When people can walk away from you: let them walk.

I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you,
loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you,
staying attached to you.
I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you let them walk.
Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

People leave you because they are not joined to you.
And if they are not joined to you,
you can' t make them stay.
Let them go.

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person,
it just means that their part in the story is over.
And you've got to know when people's
part in your story is over so that you
don't keep trying to raise the dead.

You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over.
Let me tell you something:
I've got the gift of good-bye.
It's the tenth spiritual gift,
I believe in good-bye.

It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful,
and I know that whatever I'm meant to have will be given to me.

And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it.
Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!

If you are holding on to something
that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life,
then you need to LET IT GO!!!

If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ...

If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth...

If someone has angered you ...

If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge ..

If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction ...

If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or
talents ..

If you have a bad attitude...

If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better...

If you're stuck in the past...

If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship....

If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help

If you're feeling depressed and stressed .

If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling
yourself and your higher power is saying 'take your hands off of it,'
then you need to...LET IT GO!!!

Let the past be the past.
Forget the former things.
2009 is a new year!!!

Get right, or get left.
Think about it, and then...

Thoughts from my head to your eyes!

Life is short. But it seems like it lasts for untold (and
unpleasant) eternities when you force yourself to eat things that taste
like a fat-free telephone book.

Realize that life is a class and you're here to learn, so do your damndest NOT to flunk.

Personal growth, wisdom and maturity do NOT know age.

Life isn't fair, but you know, even when parts of it suck, it's still pretty decent.

Only you can give yourself permission to have a good day!!

Those who scoff at getting help for their problems are the ones who need it the most.

As we grow, the things we find beauty in will change. Similarly, the people we find beautiful may surprise us.

Don't be afraid to tell someone that they're fantastic.

Life is too short to be defensive about stupid things, and to be around people who are.

ATTENTION MEN: Things you shouldn't say when you're on the make.

I have a fun little pastime I engage in when I'm bored: Reading the personal ads for analysis and recreation.

Have you ever truly READ the personals? So few of them are well-written. Even so, they ARE very telling if you know how to read between the lines.

Because of this, I don't hunt the personals for some potential mate. It's pointless. I've learned from past experiences that your odds of meeting someone decent through the personals is about as good as finding an unblemished $100 bill in the bottom of a lit BBQ grill.

You know what I always chuckle at? Profiles that say (AND THESE ARE ALL REAL, UNEDITED EXCERPTS FROM A POPULAR DATING SITE, BY THE WAY):

"I don't like drama and headgames". Well, no shit, Grissom. Does anyone LIKE that stuff? That's kind of like saying "I have skin. I don't like losing my skin because it hurts. My skin is the covering on my body." A for honesty, F for failure to be original.

Other notable phrases often include the passive/aggressive use of kids as a shield against the opposite sex. I see this A LOT! A lot, a lot, A LOT!!!!!! Stop it, people!

"My kids are number one/My kids are my universe/My kids are what I live for". My answer to that is, OK, that's good.  That's correct.  In fact, if you're a parent, then that's a very fortunate attitude!  

So why do you feel the need to explain it?  

It's already assumed, by most people, that your kids ARE going to be the center of your world, or darn close to it.   Perhaps, if you're feeling the need to state what most people feel is obvious, YOU'RE not ready to date? 

Nobody's going to claw through your barricade to get to you. They're just going to do the smart thing and walk away. An adult is NOT going to compete with your kids for your attention, and furthermore, they shouldn't have to.

"You'd better like kids if you want to be with me, because I do." What the hell is that, a threat? Boy, you sound like a control freak. No wonder your wife/husband/victim left your ass. I feel bad for your kids, too.

"My kids are the center of my world". In the next sentence, the same guy said "I like to spend my time going out to bars". Can anyone else see the lurking dysfunction here?

I like it when ppl try to assert their dominance, too:

"I pretty much do whatever I want, whenever I want." Oh! How refreshing! Well, little wonder you're single, my friend. Did you not play well with others in school, too?

I also find it amusing to read what men find attractive or desirable in a partner. Here's a little montage of both physical and personal characteristics that NEVER fail to appear:

"Sexy/wild/fun/beautiful/slender/curvy/well-groomed/funny/cute/exciting/bla bla."

This is all superficial. Is this REALLY what the men of the world want? A skinny little party ragdoll? 'Cause if so, women like me haven't a hope in hell.

What about things like: "independent/honest/talented/insightful/clean/drug-free/career-minded/responsible parent/creative/intelligent/works full-time"? Do I dare to believe that those things AREN'T desireable to a man? 

My point is, why post all the shallow stuff? It's tired and doesn't give anybody any positive clues about WHO YOU TRULY ARE. Plus, it isn't going to draw in anybody worthwhile.

We want to see more of what you're interested in, what makes you tick, what divorce or separation has taught you about the areas you need to improve.  We want to know what moves you to tears, and what makes you cheer.    More meat-and-potatoes substance, less trite, aimless "I-dunno-what-to-say-here" blathering.

Above all else, if you find that you ARE indeed at a loss for defining the important things,  or if you're still too much of an emotional midget to get beyond wanting to date Single Crazy Bar-Fly Barbie, perhaps a little self-enrichment is in order before you jump into the dating pool?

Next time I'll look through the Women Seeking Men section, and give y'all the lowdown.
